On Gratitude - Byron Katie
Notice the abundance of what you do have, right here right now, and let it in, really let it in. You may lose it all later, but for now, while you still have it, can you relax and be still, be comforted in what you do have in this moment. It would be nice to think, later, ‘I really appreciated it when I had it, I didn’t waste being grateful for a moment.’ We could wait gratefully for years to lose it all and notice to the end of our lives that losing it all never happened. To open to what is reality right now is to see options that are unimaginable to the frightened, living-in-the-future, I-know mind. ~ Byron Katie
Being grateful for what we have is the only way to happiness. I began my post with Byron Katie's quote on gratitude. I bumped in to a book called " A thousand Names for Joy" by Byron Katie a few years ago. I met her in person in NY once. She is the founder of a revolutionary technique called "The work" . I am first of all grateful I ever found her and attended one of her workshops. Her book and her teachings have COMPLETELY changed my life. I am sure there are books and gurus out there with " Life changing" books and teachings. But this is not one of them. When I say changed my life it LITERALLY did. I look at life very differently now I am a lot happier in all circumstances than I used to be.I encourage all my blog readers to check out this book and her work at thework.com . She is amazing.. I say thanks to many things this year.
1. Thank you my blog subscribers. I cannot tell you in words how much your subscription means to me.
2. Once I was told I can never be a mother. Those were the harshest words that I ever heard. Now I am a mother of a beautiful angel. I am thankful for that. I will always be.
3. In addition to being thankful for all those who love me who have been therefor me, I am thankful this year for life itself. Life is so kind that even in its darkest time it leaves us with something to notice or learn. I am thanking everything , everyone in this universe.
Please leave a comment on what you are thankful for its such a joyful place to visit. Gratitude always brings us back to center :-)